Saturday, 4 June 2011

Hi, Im currently resident of Ks. I am wanting to change my residency to ca for school. how do i do this?

%26quot;To be considered a California resident for purposes of fees, an out-of-state student must have lived in California for more than one year preceding the residence determination date, relinquish residence in other states, show an intent to establish residency in California and demonstrate financial independence. Unmarried undergraduates from other states qualify as financially independent if they were not claimed by their parents or others as dependents for tax purposes for two preceding tax years and if their annual income is sufficient to meet their needs. All married students and unmarried graduate and professional students from other states qualify as financially independent if their parents or others have not claimed them as dependents for tax purposes for the preceding year.

Other out-of-state students who qualify as financially independent include veterans of the U.S. armed services, students with legal dependents other than a spouse, students with both parents deceased, students who are wards of the court, and students who are at least 24 years of age by December 31 of the year they seek to be classified as residents.%26quot;