Saturday, 4 June 2011

How do i change my residency from Massachusetts to new hampshire?

If you live in New Hampshire some of the things to do to establish residency is new drivers license, change your vehicle tags, change your voter registration, change your address with the post office.|||%26#039;Reese%26#039; and %26#039;Redsoxfan%26#039; are right. Go to your local post office to have your mail forwarded to your new address in New Hampshire-it usually gets forwarded for one year. Go to your new Department of Motor Vehicle office to take care of your license and license plate registration-while you%26#039;re there, inquire about your inspection sticker for your car, as well (Check with your new town/city clerk at the town hall or city hall to see if there%26#039;s anything else you need to do). Don%26#039;t know about the voter registration card, since I don%26#039;t have one.|||My dad changed from MA to NH about 10 years ago. All he had to do was Change his license, his voter registration, and license plate.

I was 16 at the time when he moved NH.