Saturday, 4 June 2011

How likely is it that I can change my residency to another state for college an pay in-state tuition fees?

I am 18 and live in NJ and want to go to college in PA. Should I become financially emancipated from my parents? I am planning on moving in with my aunt in PA at a family business. I will be able to get a job there. Will I be able to put her as my legal guardian?|||It%26#039;s very difficult to establish residency in another state for educational purposes. Most states require you to establish that you moved there for reasons other than school.

First of all, you%26#039;re already 18 so you can%26#039;t declare anyone your legal guardian because you are your own guardian now.

Secondly, in most cases you have to prove that you are providing for yourself completely. This means getting a full-time job, your own apartment and switching all information to PA. You will probably have to work full-time for at least a year before they will even consider you for in-state tuition. Even then, some schools will still make you pay out-of-state tuition