How about floating factories (%26quot;sweatships%26quot;) and cities built on floating pontoons?
This topic is being presented at the AAG anual meeting coming up. With the problems associated with global climate change becoming more pronounced, it appears that a lot of thought is being given to how we can cope in the future.
Does permanent residency on condominium cruiseships sound like a great future to you? they'll be showing %26quot;Waterworld%26quot; in classrooms as a scientific documentary. Time to break out the cutlass. I'm joining the pirates (or %26quot;smokers%26quot; in that Titanic film).
Does permanent residency on condominium cruiseships sound like a great future to you?
That would suck.
I wouldn't like that at all actually.
Hmm... well assuming this futuristic cruise ship is able to drastically minimize impact on the ocean and air quality compared to today's cruise ships - it wouldn't be that bad.
Imagine an election to decide where we are all going next!!! How fun! We could tour the world and possible choose ships with folks we enjoy being around.
We'd roll into port after our sea voyage and I'd be the first down the ramp (with my bicycle and paniers loaded of course) to see the world! Next stop, Peru for a two week mountain climbing excursion!
Of course I haven't figured out yet what we'd all do between vacations... maybe telecommute? Or better yet work jobs supporting the microcosm that is our cruise ship.
See you on deck at sunset!
The idea of living on a mile-long ship intrigues me, but I don't think I'd want to live there all the time. Things like that tend to get old. I'd want it to remain an adventure.
Very costly..and very polluting..must be and idea of a CEO or a politician
I think it sounds like fun!
Obviously the best outcome would be if the world DOESN'T flood but IF it did, that would be okay, you could grow food on them and visit other ships etc.
No,I wouldn't like that at all.And just where are you going to put all the wastes? In the ocean or back on land?If you are going to live on the ship full time then you need a waste disposal that neither pollutes the ocean or the land,But you keep thinking like that I can just see the ocean now grungy brown.