I am originally from Florida, but my parent's decided to move to Wisconcin during my junior year of H.S making me a Wisconsin resident for tuition purposes. I would like to change my residence to FL for tuition purposes. I know it's alot more difficult here than most other states.
I have got an aunt in Miami, but how do I change it so that I'm her dependent instead of my parents.
On the other hand, my parents left a condominuim they've had for the past 5 years, could I do anything with that for tuition?
Lastly, I'm planning a trip to Miami next month, so I'd like to get my lisence, voter registration and car registration changed.
Residency in FL (for tuition purposes)?
I believe ur aunt and u would have to tag-team to get any of that done. I believe u'd have to go along with her to the local DMV and inform a representative that you now live in Florida amongst ur aunt. Of course, she'd have to verify that she's a Floridian (utility bill, driv. license, stuff like that may help). Pay the fee 4 the new drivers license and badabing, ur officially a Floridian resident again. From there, the rest of the things that u want oughta not be hard to get so long as u have the common know-how of getting them. They're basically the same through the states. Matter of fact, even if you don't have the common know-how, they oughta be easy to get. :-)
I don't think that condominium thing has any affect regarding reverting ur residency.
Hope I've satisfied ur inquiry!
Peace and love!