How do I get residency status in the state of Texas????
You have to have proof you have at least lived in Texas for a year.
How do I get residency status in the state of Texas????
PO Box will not do...u have to have a regular address and 2 bills in your name (phone, electric etc) and your DL from OK can be transfered to TX once you have proof that you moved for the schooling you will have to do out of state tuition...only being there 13 weeks you should even try to go to school or change your residency...I was there 8 months and my DL was fine fore anything that I needed
ok. you will have to be a residant of texas for 6 months before you can apply to college as a texas residant. You can get a p.o. box from the post office where you move. they arent expensive. you can call the court house for more information on residancy. you have 30 days to get a texas drivers license. that is the same in any state.