Wednesday, 21 September 2011

How can i change my childs surname?

my son has his fathers surname and his father is on the birth certificate.his father is now in prison and i want to change his surname to mine.what will i have to do to do this??as i doubt he will agree to it but i have a residency order in place and he is not allowed contact with him so will this help at all??thanks
How can i change my childs surname?
I wish I could help you more but my area of research is just for name changes in the US, however, one thing I always recommend is if there are children involved where parental or custodial right are concerned that you should always consult an attorney. In your case, I would suggest that you also try to sever the fathers parental rights while changing his surname to yours.

I'm not sure what a 'residency order' is but I imagine it is much like a 'restraining order' here in the US, where the person is not allowed to go within a certain distance of the person that the restraining order names. I would think that having the residency order and the fact that the father is incarcerated would very much work in your favor, depending on what his crime was and how long he will be incarcerated.
How can i change my childs surname?
Hi, you can change his name by deed poll through a solicitor which is just another piece of paper to keep with the birth certificate but as far as i am aware you cannot change what is on the birth certificate.

its easy enough done and you just need to inform the school, child benefit office, doctor and so on that you wish him to be now known by your name
you can even do it on the internet with the deed poll..i just changed my second name
You don't need to do any 'legal' to use a different surname.

Just contact (in writing) the GP, school, whoever stating that your son will now be known as %26quot;yoursurname%26quot;.
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