How do I measure the aerial distance between two points on a map?
Google Maps has measuring tools. Go to Google Maps 鈫抍lick My Maps 鈫抍lick Distance Measurement Tool. If it is not there, hit %26quot;Browse%26quot; and look until you find it. Once you locate it, hit %26quot;Save to my Maps%26quot;. This tool uses the %26quot;great circle (aerial) calculation%26quot;. Connect the points between the office and the house. It will be a straight line. It should be close to 30 miles if the driving distance is 34 miles.
It is very easy to do. Come back and post what you found out. Now I'm curious.
How do I measure the aerial distance between two points on a map?
That is absolutely perfect. Exactly what I needed. Thank you so much!
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GPS both places and use coordinates to calc distance