Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Hou do I aquire duel state residency?

I'm retired. I don't work. I'm financially comfortable. I have a house in Vermont, I have a house in Las Vegas, Nv, which is my legal perminant residence where I vote and pay federal taxes. I co-own a condo in Ca. I travel around the U%26gt;S%26gt; and Canada%26gt; when ever and as long as I want to. I have a registered vehicle in Vermont, two in Las Vegas and one in Ca. Every thing is good untill I visit Ca. The F'N cops here are brutil when it comes down to my Nevada DL. They say when I come to Ca I need to have a Ca DL. How can I aquire a duel state residency so I don%26quot;t have to change my DL every time I visit CA? NOTE: No matter where I go in the U%26gt;S%26gt; or Canada my NDL is accepted but NOT In CA.....
Hou do I aquire duel state residency?
California should have reciprocal agreements with people who are technically visiting from Nevada. Just because you own property in California does not mean you are a citizen, even if you own a car registered there.

It is probably the car registered in California that is confusing them. Get Nevada tags for that car and drive around like any other tourist with your Nevada tags in California.

A State cannot force you to get THEIR license, just to drive in their state. I'm sure you are correct that no other state does that. Having two licenses for two different states may even be some kind of Homeland Security violation.
Hou do I aquire duel state residency?
The CA cop's view is probably that if you own property in CA and have a registered vehicle there, you ought to have a CA driver's license. Legally, you are not required to do that. If the cop tells you you do, he's wrong. If he gives you a ticket, fight it in court.