Okay, I can only imagine all the obnoxious comments that I will get from asking this question so before everybody gets angry, please just read the whole thing :)
I am a sophomore in college (in Pennsylvania) and live in an apartment five hours away from my 'place of residence' that is on my drivers license.
I have already taken the MSF course and have gotten the license. And don't worry, I have the necessary safety gear and am planning on spending a few weeks in a parking lot before hitting the roads :) I'm still saving up because of lots of other bills to pay :(
The problem I have is with registering the bike. I don't want to have stuff sent to my permanent residence because my mother will flip ****! (She didn't let me drive a car until I was over 17.) My father know about the license but he isn't too keen on the idea either. I only told him in case of legal trouble (like if I do get hurt).
I have also researched insurance and since I have never bought a vehicle before, I have looked into all the information about title transferring. I can't change my place of residency because I live with a few other people (to save money) and I am not responsible for receiving and paying bills. Plus, being in college I am planning on having a different apartment next year.
I am a responsible person but my mother is very paranoid since I'm the last child. So any tips you guys can give me would be much appreciated :)
How can I buy a motorcycle without my mother knowing?
I take it you are over 18.
Buying it is not a problem.
If your issue is the title being sent to your mother's address, don't worry. Many times you can list a different mailing and residence address. It has to be that way. What does a guy (or gal) with a P.O. Box do? Lists both, and gets mail at the Post Office. I'm not saying you should get a P.O.Box, just look into the multiple address thing.
But, really, you should let her know anyway. It is your life, after all.
She should know she can't control you, but her advice is appreciated / needed. Don't ask Dad to keep a secret from Mom. Even if he can, secrets are bad for relationships.
How can I buy a motorcycle without my mother knowing?
OK, you need to accept the fact that you are an adult now %26amp; do not require her approval. Go ahead %26amp; get the bike. Mom will just have to accept the idea you've grown up %26amp; are starting to make your own decisions. Let her see that you have the proper license, training, %26amp; gear to be safe. That way ma's little boy don't get a boo boo. G'day.
I don't know of to many college going students that can afford much of anything. Especially any vehicle. Then trying to maintain the vehicle on a shoestring budget... Not that I am on your parents side, but really you should just wait. If you really can't afford the upkeep on it, then is it really worthwhile?
just pay a friend and ask him/her to buy it for you then hide it at her place if you're friend is a real friend then he/she will help you.
I think you should just tell your mom that you need one and explain to her why you do. You are in college and should have that freedom.
go to the DMV and notify them of your change in address. no big deal. it's super easy....and actually it's part of what you sign when you get ur lisence (that you'll notify them of changes)
GOOD LUCK!!! But you cant! Mothers KNOW everything!
Not an easy secret to keep - a load, roaring motorcycle
I think at your age you should just let her know. she may flip but at some point hopefully will deal with it.
She needs to get over it. You are an adult now and a good student! Just do it - GL!
Take her for a fun ride on the back of it...
People like you disgust me. Stand up for yourself and stop needing approval before every little step you take. You are being a pansy. You are like 20 years old, right? You are an adult and if you want a motorcycle then go and get it. What your mother thinks about it is not relevant, and lying to her about it is just disrespectful.
EDIT: If you are afraid that your parents will stop giving you money for college if your mom knows about the bike; then that is a choice you need to make. It shows little integrity if you try to get both by lying to your own mother. It is also unfair and selfish to ask your father to lie to your mother. You are aqlready putting him in a compromised postition and that is really $#!^%26amp; of you.
i dont have really any advice on how to break it to them, but i can say that i support you. many parents arent thrilled when their %26quot;little baby%26quot; wants to get a motorcycle even though they are grown. show them that you are serious about your decision and that you are mature enough to handle it. i believe in ya, u can mommies little girl forever to ur mom, but understand that you have your own life now, your own choices, and your own bills.
whatever you do, don't keep it a secret. stuff like that only makes it worse for every1 in the long run. because trust me, she will find out 1 way or another.
Helpful if you told state you're in. Wisconsin DMV counter service, Iowa county clerk, Illinois testing station counter service lets you walk in with title to transfer and get plates, registered and get title picked up ther or sent wherever. Bring cash and since you have passed MSF ride out. If your buying from dealer then state laws require them to process paperwork, pay fees and sometimes send to 'home' address- but they may be able to do expidited service for extra fee and get all paperwork at their place of business- basicly they will go to counter in person and get everything for you..
PLEEEEASE!! please! PLEASE do not get a ninja 250 you're going to get so unbelievably sick of it in a month. they're about as fast as the shitty bikes the MSF course had you use. and they sound like wimpy lawn mowers.
If you don't want your mom to find out have all of your information- including DMV, Bank statements, insurance, and Kawasaki (god forbid you get the 250) sent to a friends house or somewhere other than home. I had to do the same thing when i bought my 08 R6. but the dmv screwed up and sent my plates to my parents house after i moved out and they found out and FLIPPED the f@ck out. lol just make sure to tell the dmv a month or so before you get it.